On Fri, 2007-05-18 at 15:01 +0200, Benoît Dejean wrote:
> Hello,
> An important feature of system-monitor is the ability to kill/renice
> process as superuser directly from the GUI. This feature depends on
> gksu. As gksu is not in Desktop, this makes an important feature depends
> on an optional external dependency.
> gksu has a nice simple API: gksu(command, &error) does everything : it
> gets the credentials (may ask for password), and tries to run the
> command. That's very easy to use and gksu is getting more and more
> robust.
> I think system-monitor is not the only Desktop program that needs run
> stuff as root (with su/sudo backend). So i'd like to have a look at what
> other people are using.
> In the end, may be we could agree to use the same library for
> consistency and ask for it to be an official external dependency.

It all depends what for. But most (newly written) apps should use
PolicyKit as it allows just for that sort of thing.

No password prompting, no shabby su/sudo integration. I'm sure a few
people can big it up better than I would be able to.

Bastien Nocera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

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