On 6/19/07, Don Scorgie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> With the recent release of Rarian (new name for spoon) [1], I'd like to
> propose replacing scrollkeeper with it and moving it to the external
> dependencies moduleset.
> Rarian is now on the "odd - unstable, even - stable" style release
> cycle.  Ive just released 0.5.0.  My plan is to put only bug-fixes and
> documentation into this branch, resulting in a stable 0.6.0 in good time
> for GNOME 2.20.
> Finally, you can get the 0.5.0 release from
> http://code.google.com/p/rarian/downloads/list
> So there you have it.  Anyone want to volunteer an opinion, question,
> flame?

You rock!!  So am I understanding correctly that not only Rarian many
times cooler, but it's a drop in replacement with no work yet required
on anyone's part?  If so, that's just unbelievably cool.  :-)
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