2008-01-22 klockan 15:33 skrev Josh Sled:
> Wouter Bolsterlee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Things like "first mentioned" is not going to work in RDF---the description
> > is unordered after parsing (and serialization may print it in any order).

> RDF does have ordered sequences/lists.  Turtle/N3 even have syntax for them
> that doesn't make one's eyes bleed! :)

Sure, it has collections. However, I was talking about "first mentioned
mailing list", and that cannot be expressed easily in DOAP afaics...
Though the rdfs:range of the doap:mailing-list property is undefined (see
[1]), it seems to me that processors expect literal values, not lists.

  mvrgr, Wouter

[1] http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap
:wq                                                       mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                      web http://uwstopia.nl

i can't imagine why you wouldn't welcome any change :: my friend     -- tool

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