2008-01-23 klockan 18:51 skrev Matthias Clasen:
> I've put a patch to port the trashapplet in bugzilla, and another
> patch to get rid of the "Go to Fonts folder" button in the appearance
> capplet. That was the only use of fonts:// in the desktop, and I don't
> think it is very useful... bringing up a font management app like
> specimen would be better, anyway.

Gnome Specimen is currently just a font previewer, not a font managemnt
tool. The API to do this is non-existant or not available from Python.
Furthermore, does not only involve stuff in the Gnome stack, but e.g.
FontConfig as well.

  mvrgr, Wouter

:wq                                                       mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                      web http://uwstopia.nl

how do you do it :: make me feel like i do                        -- incubus

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