On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 19:20 +0100, Kjartan Maraas wrote:
> ti., 12.02.2008 kl. 16.32 +0100, skrev Andre Klapper:
> > Am Dienstag, den 12.02.2008, 17:11 +0200 schrieb Peteris Krisjanis:
> > > So I suggest - delay the release. Delay Ubuntu LTS. Delay also other
> > > distro releases. Why? Because not release date matters. What matters
> > > here is a _product_. It should be usable, it should be documented,
> > 
> > it is *definitely* possible to fix the showstoppers in the next four
> > weeks and release GNOME 2.22.0 in a sane state. so there's no need at
> > all to discuss a delay currently.
> > 
> How big an issue is ftp support in nautilus btw? I for one never have
> never used it for much more than testing it. Does the bug count indicate
> the size of our userbase for example?

I've used it for grabbing tarballs from ftp.gnome.org.  Unfortunately,
it's not as useful as it could be, since the gnome-vfs ftp backend
doesn't follow symlinks.  So if you try to use Nautilus to grab all
the .tar.gz files for a release, you'll be sorely disappointed.


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