
Conduit in it's current state is not accessible. Is there a way to
create and modify groups and items without using the mouse? This of
course is a very basic access issue.

Not less important, the canvas in which all the groups and items are
reviewed and edited is inaccessible to assistive technologies. For this
to be accessible, there needs to be keyboard navigation, and proper ATK
interfaces implemented. I am not sure how possible this is to do
directly in python[1].

I would give this a +1 if the devs think they could make Conduit
accessible by 2.24.


On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 23:35 +1300, John Stowers wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> On behalf of the Conduit [1] development team, I would like to propose
> Conduit for inclusion in GNOME 2.24 desktop suite.
> * Purpose: Conduit is a synchronization architecture for the GNOME
> desktop. It provides an intuitive GUI for synchronizing things and a
> DBus interface for external applications to do the same.
> * Justification:
> Our immediate benefits to the GNOME desktop are very well supported
> multi-site photo/upload and sync (from Fspot, eog and folder), tomboy
> synchronization to a number of places, file/folder sync (including
> intuitive removable volume support, and the ability to do all these
> things peer to peer. We also support many more than these listed,
> however at the cost of additional dependencies. See below for
> clarification.
> In implementing these diverse backends, I am confident our abstractions
> are sound, and we will be able to grow with the GNOME desktop and
> support synchronization with any device you can imagine. Applications
> using our DBus interface will get these benefits at no extra cost.
> * Dependencies:
>   pygtk,
>   gnomevfs,
>   gnome-python-desktop > 2.22,
>   python-gtkmozembed,
>   [NEW] pygoocanvas > 0.9.0,
>   [NEW] goocanvas > 0.9.0,
>   [NEW] Python 2.5 (for network sync support)
> * Resource usage:
>   GNOME FTP, GNOME SVN, GNOME bugzilla, translations
> * Adoption:
>   Packaged for all major distros, expressions of interest for more
> extensive use by Ubuntu [2], Mandriva [3] and Suse [4]
> * Gnome-ness:
>   * We support Tomboy note sync and Fspot photo sync. In both cases we
> were instrumental in the development of DBus interfaces in the
> respective applications
>   * We support evolution-data-server through the new python evolution
> bindings we contributed to GNOME last cycle.
>   * Our file/folder sync uses gnomevfs
>   * [WIP] We have developed an eog plugin for photo upload to a number
> of sites, directly from within the application
>   * [WIP] We have developed a nautilus plugin to enable easy
> file/folder sync
> * Additional Information:
> Our focus for this cycle is the support of mobile devices through both
> libsyncml [5] and (python)gammu [6]. This will obviously introduce
> additional dependencies on these libraries.
> We are looking forward to, and will be adding support for GIO/GVFS as
> soon as it is available to be used from Python.
> We also support the following services although support for them comes
> at the cost of additional dependencies
>   * Google contacts, [WIP] calendar, [WIP] documents (requires
> python-gdata [7]) 
>   * Backpackit.com (require python backpack [8])
>   * Facebook photos (requires pyfacebook [9])
>   * iPod photos (requires libgpod [10])
> Conduit is translated into a number of languages, and features user help
> documentation. However both of these are WIP.
> We have had firm expressions of interest from Tomboy and Cheese about
> using conduit for Sync and Export respectively. Conduits presence in the
> desktop set would make their dependency on us for this functionality
> more palatable.
> Looking forward to hearing your thoughts
> John Stowers
> [1] http://www.conduit-project.org
> [2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncIntegration
> [3] http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/2008.1_What%27s_New
> [4] http://www.novell.com/brainshare/general-sessions-2008.html
> [5] http://libsyncml.opensync.org/
> [6] http://cihar.com/gammu/python/
> [7] http://code.google.com/p/gdata-python-client/
> [8] http://bleu.west.spy.net/~dustin/projects/backpack/
> [9] http://code.google.com/p/pyfacebook/
> [10] http://www.gtkpod.org/libgpod.html
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