On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Olav Vitters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 08:14:50AM +0100, Ross Burton wrote:
>  > On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 08:35 +0200, Jaap A. Haitsma wrote:
>  > > I was just wondering why many GNOME developers are using git mirror
>  > > and for example not a bzr mirror? If I for example read
>  > > http://live.gnome.org/DistributedSCM I have the feeling that bzr would
>  > > also be a very good fit. However I haven't seen any gnome.org project
>  > > in a bzr mirror while of many projects there exists git mirrors.
>  I've been talking with Elijah to determine what is needed in a DSCM.
>  Basically, Bzr should be enhanced/improved to have branches in one
>  checkout directory. For some reason this is important (for real
>  developers.. not me:). E.g. DSCM will likely mean lots of small
>  (private) branches; loads more than with a central system.

Like this?


>From a blog post 2 years ago:
"One of the new features comming up in the next release of bzr is
support for shared repositories. This provides a way to reduce disk
space needed to store multiple related branches."

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