Ysgrifennodd John Stowers:
> On Sat, 2008-07-26 at 14:11 -0400, Thomas Thurman wrote:
> > Funnily enough, Metacity also has such a script :)
> I have transitioned to maintaining Conduit completely out of
> bzr-playground.gnome.org. 
> In this workflow I use MOAP.

I might try that for the next Metacity release and see how it goes.  
I'd like to make it so that changes I made to the checkin or release 
system could be shared by everyone (as I said earlier).



Thomas Thurman, tthurman at gnome, http://blogs.gnome.org/tthurman
You are on the brink of a thirty foot pit with a massive orange column 
down one wall. You could climb down here but you could not get back up. 
The maze continues at this level.
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