The GNOME Bugzilla is still using 2.20. Current stable upstream is at
3.2. The stable version has several benefits, but overall:
 * no crappy table locking, while still allowing full text indexing
   (table locking causes many performance problems)
 * Upstream supported XMLRPC (not perfect, but various things can be
   done, see WebService stuff at
 * Supported by upstream (security bugs)
 * bla bla see

There is a proposal to upgrade the GNOME Bugzilla by:
 * having an external party do it (not me)
 * deliver the functionality in multiple stages (hard requirement)
   --> Means that not all the current functionality will be available!

For that the proposal is that the following is not part of the initial
upgraded bgo:
 * The points system
 * index.cgi UI mods
 * Making a new favicon
 * The infomessages on show_bug.cgi
 * Layout modifications for attachment table and the login box
 * duplicates.cgi modifications
 * Fixing the comment headers
 * Patch and keyword emblems
 *,, and
 * describeuser.cgi

Possibly even:

 * Canned responses (this would be a priority immediately after
the upgrade)
   (the javascript stuff to say things are a dupe etc)
 * show_bug.cgi UI re-ordering & float-right box
 * simple-bug-guide.cgi
 * Grouping products in a <dl> by classification when displayed
 * Asking people if they've provided the NEEDINFO info.
 * Boogle enhancements to QuickSearch (or maybe just implement
the most important ones first and theno implement the rest later?)
   --> this is the GNOME specific 'simple search'

Is above acceptable?

IMO I find the following very important:
 * attachment table
 * describeuser.cgi
 * canned responses
 * Boogle

but please focus on what you use: Is the reduced functionality trade-off
acceptable if in the end we get a newer Bugzilla and the feature back?
Note that likely some things will work in different ways etc.

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