Le jeudi 15 janvier 2009 à 11:12 -0600, Brian Cameron a écrit :
> No distribution can ship any popular non-free GStreamer codecs if
> the GStreamer based programs link in any GPL code without the exception.

Well first of all, I find this interpretation of the GPL rather extreme.
A GStreamer plugin is a derived work of GStreamer, but it is not a
derived work of rhythmbox (unless rb as shipped actually requires it for
normal operation, of course). However I understand that people want to
be on the safe side and adopt the most conservative interpretation.

> So, with the exception a distro or mobile device OS using
> GNOME/GStreamer could purchase a MP3 audio license and include that with
> their GStreamer based-engine.

They could also purchase a patent license for a free MP3 implementation.
It’s not as if there weren’t any such implementations.

> Considering how important mobile is to the GNOME community these days,
> and how important it is to play things like mp3 audio files or YouTube
> videos on mobile devices, I would think this would be pretty important
> issue and concern.

I don’t like spreading statements implying the assumption that free
software-based h264 or MP3 playback is illegal. This is what Fraunhoffer
and the MPEG consortium would like to be true, but please don’t assume
they are right.

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