Il giorno mer, 01/04/2009 alle 19.34 +0200, Josselin Mouette ha scritto:
> I understand the rationale for going “full 3D” for GNOME Shell, but the
> overall result is that we will have to maintain the gnome-panel +
> metacity solution separately, for ever. This will not be a big burden,
> but the real issue behind this is there will be two entirely different
> user experiences.

I've got an old laptop (7-8 years), and it really cringes with compiz if
I enable it. At work, we have a couple of machines with GNU/Linux +
GNOME. They have integrated low-cost graphic cards, or are old machines.

In fact, a common trend nowadays is to "recycle" old machines bought for
100-150€ moving them from Windows XP to GNOME. I see this happening
quite frequently also in the developing countries, when I talk to people
I know that live there. 

I wouldn't mind the default being 3D-oriented, if at least a
"disable-most-effects" mode is available. Also for all those who have to
use a software renderer.

For now, my laptop lives very well with GNOME despite its age. I'd like
it to stay so. Only trying KDE here is so slow it makes your eyes


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