On Sat, 2009-06-27 at 12:30 -0400, W. Michael Petullo wrote:
> >> Purpose:
> >> libdmapsharing is a library to access and share DMAP (DAAP & DPAP)
> >> content. [...]
> I think it is important to quantify your statement that "libdmapsharing
> doesn't support newer versions of the protocols." For example, dmapd,
> which uses libdmapsharing, happily shares music and videos with the latest
> version of iTunes and Roku's SoundBridge, even transcoding OGG Vorbis
> files on the fly using GStreamer. Dmapd will also share photos with the
> most recent version of iPhoto. So, while there may be difficulty with a
> subset of functionality, most features work, especially on the server
> side.
> I believe the main point of contention is that DRM content purchased from
> the iTunes store may not be played using the client-side libdmapsharing
> code. It may be worth noting that the iTunes store has been somewhat
> moving away from DRM content. In the interest of disclosure, I do not own
> any DRM-protected music. Anything that is not DRM-protected should play.

No, the main problem isn't the DRM. I don't think anyone expect
applications based on libdmapsharing to be able to play DRM'ed music or
videos. The problem I'm mentioning is the inability to connect (as a 
client) to anything newer than iTunes 6.x.

> > I'd approve libdmapsharing as an external dependency without any
> > problems, not as a developer dep though...
> This would be completely satisfactory to me.

Being accepted as an external dep would mean having something in the
GNOME desktop that depends on your library. So you should get started on
implementing that gthumb idea.

Porting rhythmbox' code to use libdmapsharing would also be a good idea,
though Rhythmbox isn't in any GNOME release.

>  If I may ask the list, what
> is the process for getting a project accepted into the GNOME
> infrastructure?


> In response to Andre, I've made several releases of libdmapsharing in the
> last few months. The fact that there is only one tarball is more of a
> reflection of SourceForge. If anyone would like to review the progress of
> the project, I would encourage them to browse the SourceForge SVN
> repository.

Nothing is stopping you from moving libdmapsharing to the GNOME
resources such as git or Bugzilla.


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