On Fri, 2009-07-03 at 08:01 +0200, Luca Ferretti wrote:
> I've found this Empathy bug[1] about the usage of XDG directories.
> Xavier comment is "I use XDG dirs for everything but not for storing
> user data. Empathy is a GNOME program so I use ~/.gnome2 like all
> other GNOME programs... I'm not against changing to ~/.local/ but I
> would like to see a GNOME decision on this before. Is there a
> conversation on gnome devel list about that topic?"
> So, could/should we plan to make official and complete this[2]
> GnomeGoal for GNOME 3.0?

I'm a big fan of migrating from .gnome2/ (or even worse, top level dot
files) to .local/ .config/ and .cache/.  Glib has functions to get these
directories, so I'd be in favour of deprecating .gnome* for GNOME 3.

Ross Burton                                 mail: r...@burtonini.com
                                          jabber: r...@burtonini.com
                                           www: http://burtonini.com

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