
Am Freitag, den 02.10.2009, 12:00 +0200 schrieb Andre Klapper:
> ...so Bugsquad and developers move it to the correct product.
> Happens sometimes and will always happen.
> In this context I don't see an argument related to this discussion.

I disagree here. Assuming you go to b.g.o and click on "File a bug". The
next is you are confronted with a big list of possible components.
Probably you know the component but for the avarage non-english user it
is quite difficult because the component might be translated in his UI.
There is no "I don't know" section on this page that would be forwarded
to bugsquad, so the user has the option to file against the wrong
component - or he doesn't file at all.

In addition and that's maybe what the whole proposal was about, it is
hardly possible to file bugs/enhancements against the whole desktop. I
think a GNOME Innovation kind of thing would especially be useful for
such meta-bugs. Of course, once it is agreed on an "innovation", bugs
against the individual components should be filed (like for Gnome Goal
or the GNOME 3.0 things).


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