Le vendredi 02 octobre 2009 à 12:54 -0700, Sandy Armstrong a écrit : 
> The real killer for me is that I get the feeling that gnome-shell is
> not activity-centric, but shell-centric.  

I agree that the UI is pretty intrusive, but maybe you get used to it,
so I wouldn’t judge this aspect until having actually used it for some

The real killer for me is the dynamic application menu (or list of
applications, or whatever it is called). I’ve always hated
gnome-main-menu, and I don’t think I will like this more. Having the
ordering of applications change is bad user interface; every time it
changes, it means more time to find the application you are looking for,
even though it might be right under your nose.

The plain 2-level menus in the current panel suck, but they have one
thing that dynamic systems don’t: reliability. Whatever application you
are looking for, you can find it in 2 clicks and 3 mouse movements, and
they are always the same.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'   “I recommend you to learn English in hope that you in
  `-     future understand things”  -- Jörg Schilling

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