fr., 16.10.2009 kl. 09.37 -0600, skrev Tom Tromey:
> >>>>> "Ryan" == Ryan Lortie <> writes:
> Ryan> I personally think migration is less critical than a lot of people
> Ryan> think.
> Ryan> Here's why (for me at least):
> Ryan>   - I often reinstall my distro when the new release comes out
> [...]
> Ryan>   - it never takes me more than a few minutes of fiddling to get stuff
> Ryan>     back to "how i like it" in terms of settings.  
> I'd like to ask that you also consider the needs of people for whom it
> is more work to reconfigure.
> I've had to reconfigure Gnome too many times already.  This is a bad
> user experience!  For one thing it has left me with the impression that
> Gnome assumes that my time is worth little.
I fully agree with this. I don't see how we can even consider not
migrating configuration when switching to a new configuration system.


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