On Wed, 2009-11-18 at 10:12 +0100, Patryk Zawadzki wrote:
> Hi guys, girls, men and women ;)
> I've already briefly mentioned the idea in the past but never really
> proposed it here.
> The idea is to add another option called "What's new" to the Help menu
> in all GNOME applications. As the name suggest it would contain a
> Grandma-Readableā„¢ changelog. This means something closer to the
> release notes than to "Fixed #123, foo shouldn't dereference NULLs in
> foo::frobnicate()".
> Goals? Two really. One - to make it easier for users to discover newly
> introduced features.

I don't believe that most people care much, partly because they don't
upgrade that often. This would be clearer if we had real personas to
talk about.

People who do care generally find the release notes online already.

>  Two - to make it easier to write GNOME release
> notes.

The UI clutter seems like a high price to pay for the slight possibility
that this would help with writing release notes.


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