On 02/05/2011 06:25 PM, Maciej Piechotka wrote:
IRC channels seems to be used in gnome development. It may be just me
but I believe that recent power setting "crisis" show (I contrast them
to mailing lists):

  - Requires presence. Many people cannot afford being on irc 24/7 - both
developers, potential developers or just interested users. The houres of
the meeting may clash with working hours or other real live constraints.
Yes, IRC has it drawbacks, but it also makes discussing design a lot faster and effective than doing it on mailing lists. We need to be time effective if we're going to make the April 6th release date. All designs goes in the wiki though and most (if not all) also live in this repo http://gitorious.org/gnome-design We totally need to make that stuff more visible though, and therefore I need your help with setting up a wordpress image blog where we can publish all the mockups (kind of like http://dribbble.com/). I can do the design bits, but need help with the other stuff.
When are you able to work on this?
- Andreas
desktop-devel-list mailing list

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