2011/11/30 Vincent Untz <vu...@gnome.org>
> > The only thing you mentioned in the other thread that I saw was a
> > feeling that it wasn't right.
> I said that I didn't feel Boxes should be tracked as a feature, and that
> I didn't believe it was useful to most users.

I agree with Vincent: there is a difference between "Boxes is useful"
and "Boxes should be a core feature of GNOME".

> > Can you explain why you don't think it is useful and for what
> > audience?
> Just to clarify: I didn't say it is not useful. I even said it's
> something that is essential to some users.
> Boxes is great for software developers, contributors to GNOME & distros,
> and technology enthusiasts. Those are all people we care deeply about,
> but I don't believe they represent such a high percentage of our users
> (or of all users we'd like to have).

I feel the same contradiction: we want to hide the file manager
because file systems and folders are a trouble and an unclear concept,
but at the same time we promote a VM (local and remote) manager tool
as a day-to-day need.

THis feeling drives to me to the following question: what's the
audience you (William and Jackub, if I recall correctly the Boxes
design is from you) you had in mind for GNOME?

And, in suborder, why can't Boxes be simply a non-core, featured
application, just like GIMP or Simple Scan?
(if I missed a previous explanation, sorry: please point me to it)
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