On 05/22/12 01:45 PM, Bradley M. Kuhn wrote:
As most on this list know, I've been the GNOME Advisory Board as FSF's
representative for the last decade.  Since, as a non-profit, FSF receives
Advisory Board membership with no fees, I've always felt it was right to
"give back" in volunteer time (instead of cash [0]) to GNOME.  In that
capacity, I've done a number of things to help GNOME.

Thanks, Bradley, you and the FSF have done a lot.  There would not be a
GNOME Women's Outreach program if not for the FSF, for example.

Here are a few examples from just the last two years:

   * Answered numerous licensing questions from GNOME developers on a
     regular basis.

   * Assisted in the hiring of a sysadmin position, helped recruit the
     current GNOME Foundation Executive Director, and participated in the
     hiring committee for the Executive Director position.

   * Co-drafted GNOME's Copyright Policies, at the request of GNOME
     Foundation's Board:

I do volunteer work like this because FSF wants to help GNOME.  I do it in
the spirit of goodwill and affiliation among the two organizations.

Obviously, if GNOME's new Board takes a policy to sever its association
with FSF, I'd be presumably kicked off the Advisory Board and would cease
my ongoing volunteer work for GNOME that I do on behalf of FSF.

Considering the Executive Director of GNOME is from the SFLC, it seems
rather unlikely that any such severing would even be possible.

I suppose
if you feel these contributions above have tarnished GNOME's image, then
that would make sense.  However, I think even that small list of recent
contributions alone shows that GNOME *does* receive direct, valuable
benefits from FSF, in addition to other intangible benefits that I think
are useful.

I'd hardly say that you, Bradley, are the only person who values the FSF
who also contributes to GNOME.

GNOME project was founded as part of GNU precisely because GNOME was the
Free Software desktop project most dedicated to the principles of software
freedom that FSF has championed.  I have always felt the two organizations
-- despite some personal conflicts that might occur among leaders in the
two organizations -- were kindred spirits in this regard.  I hope the new
GNOME Foundation Board will continue that tradition.

I do as well.  As you say, GNOME and the FSF do sometimes disagree on
specific things.  But, it is healthy for organizations to be able to
disagree on points, I think.

I guess I do not see what would be accomplished by severing ties with
the FSF.  It hasn't seemed like there has been really that much tension
between GNOME and the FSF lately.

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