
it starts, and there is no GSettingsg related output at all. Its an applet for the gnome-panel btw. not sure if that has any impact.

On 26/08/12 17:13, Jasper St. Pierre wrote:
On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Lanoxx <> wrote:
I have a very weired issue with GSettings in my application:

I am using the following code:

     g_settings_set_boolean (mainapp->settings, key, is_active);
     if(g_settings_get_has_unapplied (mainapp->settings)) {
         g_warning("Found unapplied settings");

The warning is never printed, so I assume that the changes are applied
directly, but when I restart my application, then all settings are
forgotten. Is GSettings not supposed to remember the option through a
restart of the application? Or ist there any other magic involved that I do
not know about?
Does GSettings say anything about using the memory backend when you
start your app from a terminal?

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