On 10 September 2012 17:33, Martyn Russell <mar...@lanedo.com> wrote:
> On 08/09/12 09:20, Frederic Peters wrote:
>> Hello all,
> Hello,
>> =======
>>   - Empty window in LANG=ko_KR.UTF-8
>>     https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=666749
>>     Martyn Russell explained it's difficult in the previous blocker bugs
>>     report; no progress.

Hmmm, one workaround/feature here is to do full ascii transliteration
of all strings used in full text search, no?

Zeitgeist FTS  and the Unity lenses use this powerful feature from
libicu via some helpers in libdee. You can check the libdee test cases
here to get the idea:

The executive summary being; "øöô" transliterates to "ooo",
"Θεοδωράτου, Ελένη" to "Theodoratou, Elene", "たけだ, まさゆき" to "takeda,
masayuki". Of course queries needs to be processed this way as well,
which might be unnatural in sparql though..?

This has as an awesome side effect that I can find my Greek friend
Ελένη Θεοδωράτου by searching for "ele".

As for performance issues with libicu that has never been a problem
for our use cases. There might be faster alternatives, but the speed
is a non-issue for the stuff that I've been doing, and the features
gained vastly outweighs the perf loss.

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