On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <poch...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I wonder if there's a way to avoid this. Perhaps we could bump the version
> of the gir whenever the SONAME changes, so that we would have e.g.
> GnomeDesktop-3.0.typelib for G3.6, but GnomeDesktop-3.8.typelib for G3.8.
> I'm not quite sure if that would help or not, as I'm not familiar with
> introspection stuff. The idea is 'encode' the SONAME in the gir too, so
> that we can a) have multiple versions installed simultaneously, and b) the
> right version is loaded to avoid cases like this.
> Thoughts?

gnome-desktop is not a parallel installable library, and its API/ABI have
no stability guarantees...this means that it's not a good idea to install a
system-wide version of gnome-desktop different from the rest of GNOME,
because things likely won't work. Introspection makes no difference here,
but for libraries that have different versions installable in parallel
(e.g. GTK 2 and GTK 3) I believe this is already how it works (we generate
two different gir/typelibs with different names etc).

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  • gir versioning Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
    • Re: gir versioning Cosimo Cecchi

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