2013/4/2 Jasper St. Pierre <jstpie...@mecheye.net>:
> git isn't designed as a sharing protocol. It's a source control tool. People
> have tried to take some of the versioning technology behind git and adapt it
> to other things (SparkleShare, there are some git-backed issue trackers,
> etc.)
> As a simple example, what happens when you have a merge conflict? There's a
> miscommunication, and one guy sets the task from OPEN to DONE, and another
> guy sets it from OPEN to INPROGRESS.
> When they try to share tasks, git is going to fail and ask them to edit a
> file with:
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> ================
> unless you're smart about how you present merge conflicts.
> This is just an example, and I could come up with a large number of other
> reasons why git's power is a deficiency when trying to build a usable simple
> sharing system. I don't believe in the technology behind git as a simple way
> to share stuff. It's too tied to source code and programmers. I think a
> simple pub/sub model, either using XMPP, or an open-source service (Snowy),
> or something else, is simpler and the easier way to go.
> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:25 PM, אנטולי קרסנר <tomback...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is a somewhat technical question, I hope this is the right place
>> for it.
>> I'm writing a GTK application which manages tasks and projects. At the
>> moment it's more or less like GTG (Getting Things Gnome). I want to add
>> task sharing, and I've been thinking what's the right way to do that.
>> I checked what other people do. GTG uses the XMPP pubsub extension
>> (publish & subscribe), which seems to do the job, but it's not exactly
>> designed for sharing tasks. It does work, but it requires you to setup
>> the server.
>> I've been thinking and I found another idea: use a git repository.
>> This way people can easily watch how projects develop - this way we
>> easily achieve the publish&subscribe capability - and sharing tasks
>> between team members is as easy as working with git, which is already
>> very common. Task sync is simple sync of files in the repo. And it
>> doesn't require any extra work: starting a new local git repo is
>> extremely easy by typing "git init", and starting a repo on a server is
>> done by creating a user on gitorious and creating a repo there.
>> Some sites don't offer private repos for free, but encryption will be
>> used anyway to allow maximal privacy anyway, so it shouldn't be a
>> problem. (GitLab offers 10 private repos for no charge if you really
>> need 100% privacy)
>> I'd like to hear more ideas and make a wise decision, which tool is the
>> best one for task sharing. Git sounds very good to me, but I'm not an
>> expert (just a software engineering student, actually).
>> - Anatoly
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> --
>   Jasper
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Completely agree with Jasper, using git is not a good idea. In fact, a
few years ago I started to work on a GTD application and sharing tasks
with many people and many devices was my main target. I also thought
on using git, but as Jasper has said: "It's too tied to source code
and programmers". Think that in every commit are a manual intervention
from a programmer, which usually needs to resolve conflicts by hand.

In my case, I decided to go with CouchDB because of its replication
features and I made two clients (a PyGtk app and an android one) as
proofs of concept. It worked pretty well and these first proff of
concept was easy to implement, but I stopped the development.
In case it helps, here is the initial code of the pygtk app [1].

Good luck with your app! ;)

My two cents,

[1]: https://launchpad.net/ezgtd
Javier Hernández Antúnez
desktop-devel-list mailing list

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