I'm not sure. Obviously, we'll see how it works out in practice, but
research has shown that even "basic" structured text languages are hard for
end-users and consumers to grasp. To most people, the flexibility in text
is its lack of structure, which allow people to be creative and express

org-mode doesn't enforce any structure beyond some basic syntactic elements
to mark free-flowing text as items (bullet points), and while it comes with
a stock set of keywords (TODO, DONE), these aren't hardcoded at all and
most complex org-mode flows add their own keywords or things like that.

The actual words, and the order of them, doesn't matter. So I feel that a
structured text-based approach would simply fail because it doesn't allow
for such flexibility.

New research is always welcome, and if you manage to get random end-users
to fluently understand your language system through concentrated user
testing, I'll gladly welcome it.

On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 11:02 AM, אנטולי קרסנר <tomback...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm an individual not working on any Gnome module. I'll try not to get
> into much detail (likely to fail on this one), but here's the idea I
> have:
> After reading about existing GTD software tools I made the following
> conclusions:
> * There are GUI tools
> * There are plain-text solutions
> * There are pen-and-paper solutions
> * There are text-based applications
> GUI tools have lots of features and visual widgets, but they somehow
> fail to satisfy most people. At the same time, plain text seems to
> become more and more popular. After reading I made these conclusions:
> * Each person has her own way of thinking, her own way of how the brain
> works. Therefore, each person should have a personally tailored solution
> * GUI tools, and GTD tools in general, tend to make the false assumption
> of "everyone is like me" and "one size fits all", which is why most
> tools fail to become widely popular.
> * Emacs Org-Mode is quite successful as a GTD tool, thanks to its
> flexibility and extensibility, but lacks an intuitive interface, which
> limits its adoption despite the success of Org-Mode
> * A next-generation tool should have the extensibility of a plain-text
> system, and the convenience, ease-of-use and efficiency of a visual tool
> Therefore, I decided to create a language for definition of properties
> and classes, intended for be used for describing tasks, timelines,
> projects, etc. This language is easy enough for non-programmers to use,
> and yet is expressive enough for practical use. It borrows concepts from
> RDF, OWL and scripting languages.
> On top of this language there will be a set of text-based tools allowing
> easy manipulation of the text. It means users can edit the files in
> plain text, but also have convenient tools and utilities for easier
> processing and visualization, similar to Org-Mode.
> On top of that there may be task/project-related definitions, a
> specialized text editor and/or Gedit plugins, and a flexible GUI app
> which replaces the "one for all" concept with a "personally tailored to
> a user's mental model" concept, which seems to work very successfully
> with plain text and Emacs Org-Mode.
> Existing free software I found:
> - Gedit (Gnome's plain text editor, extensible with plugins)
> - Emacs Org-Mode
> That's all. All other tools, including all GTD and To-do apps for
> Gnome/GNU, are either scripts intended for power users, or have a
> limited scope which is not flexible enough to customize.
> An existing GUI app for GTD called Getting Things Gnome (GTG) has great
> potential, but I'd like to back it up using a flexible text-based
> approach which is then used to describe semantic entities and attach
> them to program objects. This would supply both the flexibility of text,
> the convenience of GUI and automatic translation to RDF, which means
> instant Semantic Desktop integration (using Tracker and Zeitgeist).
> *** The Question ***
> My question is, what do you think? Does this idea sound useful? To me
> personally, it seems to fill the gap between plain text (which has no
> visualization and productivity utilities) and convenient GUI (which
> current is mostly not flexible enough).
> NOTE: Non-free software already exists, which uses plain text as a
> backend, such as Taskpaper:
> http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/products/taskpaper
> regards,
> Anatoly
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