
On Mon, 2014-02-10 at 15:16 +0100, Juan A. Suarez Romero wrote:
> For the case of providing thumbnails, in Grilo we have 3 plugins.
> - LastFm plugin: basically if fetches the thumbnail URL from lastfm
> service and gives it to client (the URL itself, it doesn't download
> anything).
> - TMDb plugin: similar to above, but using TMDb service.
> - Local-art plugin: the same, but this time it searches for the
> thumbnail in the local disk. It implements (or tries to) the
> MediaArtStorageSpec to fetch them. We discussed with Music team that it
> would be a good idea to have a separated library to deal with this spec.
> So probably this plugin could use libmediaart to fetch the coverart from
> disk, and just get rid of our own custom code.

That sounds great.

> But we could have the inverse relation too: libmediaart could use Grilo
> to fetch the thumbnails from webservices, and then download it and
> stores in local disk following the spec. Grilo would only provide the
> URL (using, for instance, lastfm or tmdb plugin) and libmediaart would
> be in charge of saving the URL on disk.

I would leave it up to applications to do the downloading (as they
probably already do). The saving could be implemented calling
grl_source_store_metadata() on the local-art plugin which would do the
right thing.

Want me to file bugs for those?


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