On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 7:47 AM Allan Day <allanp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Attracting and retaining contributors has to be the most important
> consideration. It's worth noting that IRC cuts in a few different
> directions here: on the one hand, IRC means there's no barrier between us
> and all the existing Free Software contributors/projects who are also using
> IRC. On the other hand, for contributors who are used to modern tools, IRC
> probably feels like a huge step backwards - it isn't user friendly, isn't
> attractive, and it doesn't work well if you're not in one of the time zones
> that are popular with our community.
> In some ways, GNOME has the worst of both worlds - we're using poor tech
> which has the advantage of adoption, and then we go and use a relatively
> isolated server, so we miss out on the additional traffic we might get on
> Freenode.

Let me add my two cents here.  I've been wanting to do something like this
for some time and as Allan has alluded to, there has been discussions
amongst engagement team people around this.

My two cents, and bear with me on my slight rant - I really hate the idea
of depending on a web app like riot.  It's like admitting that we've lost
the whole application space and that we're going browser.  I know that is
not what is intended, but that will be the perception.

I'd like to do this, but I'd like to start putting resources into creating
a viable chat client that works and is designed as a competition to a web
app.  Maybe that means some kind of contest or something.  I'm not really
worried about actually writing one after all matrix is an open standard,
but the design one that shows the advantage of running something native
should be a challenge that we need to meet head on.

That said, we'll table that bit for now.  I have talked to Andrea Veri,
they are kind of low on sysadmin resources and probably can't help in the
immediate future in implementing something.

Seeing as I have some free time; I asked Andrea if it was okay if I could
spearhead this particular project. A good way introduce myself back to
devops after a long hiatus.  He seemed to agree, so I can start looking
into at least creating the irc bridge between matrix and some specific
rooms - #engagement, #newcomers, and #docs.  I've picked these as the kind
of contributors we have tend to be quite varied, but also there are
differences in culture and etiquette between irc and these other
technologies that can be disruptive.

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