Hi all,

I've gotten multiple complaints at GUADEC that it's not possible to clone GNOME modules because the university network is blocking the git protocol. This is particularly common at universities in third-world countries, where it's common for newcomers to complain about this, but seems it happens in Europe too. So I have changed JHBuild to clone stuff using https:// rather than git://. I'm testing this now and will push as soon as I'm sure I haven't broken anything.


* I have not updated all of gnome-world, so contributions are welcome there as usual. But all the supported 3.26 modulesets should now be completely fixed.

* Some modules clone git:// submodules. Please be on the lookout for these. For example, this is .gitmodules in gnome-online-accounts:

# Bad
[submodule "telepathy-account-widgets"]
path = telepathy-account-widgets
url = git://git.gnome.org/telepathy-account-widgets.git

It's better to clone using the same protocol as the parent project:

# Good
[submodule "telepathy-account-widgets"]
path = telepathy-account-widgets
url = ../telepathy-account-widgets.git

I'll leave it to module maintainers to fix these.


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