GitLab is definitely intended to be compehensible withouth consulting a
manual, and just by the UI. If the UI is unclear, it's probably a bug or a
missing feature, and they have a design team for these. The shortcuts for
example, would be good to have a shortcuts window as we implemented
recently at GNOME (and that we didn't have for 14 years, so maybe give
GitLab some breath :) ).

I'm planning to do similar with newcomers experience, which has some gaps
because it assumes GitHub workflow alike knowledge at some points.

If someone proposes a bug upstream, put a comment in issue #8.

Regarding  "what are your issues with Bugzilla" you can also check out the
list in the wiki when we proposed the transition few months ago.Integrating
project repo and issue tracker was one of the main broad advantages, so
Bugzilla already falls down on that and it shows clearly with the common
git-bz, splinter and all the tricks we had in place for trying to make
integration between both repo and issue tracker work.

On Wed., 13 Dec. 2017, 08:51 Milan Crha, <> wrote:

> On Thu, 2017-12-07 at 17:50 +0000, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> > I seriously doubt you were born with innate knowledge of Bugzilla -
>         Hi,
> it sounds like you consider an intuitive interface something obscure.
> Well, it's intuitive at least for me.
> > even though Bugzilla's feature set is basically limited to what you
> > see in the page.
> Yes, that's basically the main part of it. I definitely do not know all
> the features bugzilla can do, but the basic parts I use I didn't need
> to search for in a manual, they were just there, on the screen.
> Like with the shortcuts in the interface of GitLab. I definitely know
> how to click on [reply] in bugzilla, but I do not know how to press 'r'
> (or any key to be considered a shortcut of this kind) on a tablet. I
> didn't try it and it probably doesn't matter.
> If you let me to make a side note, maybe it's similar to the reason why
> I never got to use Blender. It's a very powerful tool, but it requires
> to know so many shortcuts to be able to use it (I didn't try to use it
> for a long time, thus my information can be outdated). It can be great
> for professionals and people using it every day, but when it comes to
> newbies like me, then I'm completely lost. What I need are basic
> things. I can compare it with Rhino3D, I can do most of those basic
> things with a mouse, everything is in the interface, I do not need to
> know special shortcuts and when I open the software half year later I
> still can do it without refreshing my memory too much. I do not want to
> change subject, that's just an analogy I recalled and it is possibly
> highly inaccurate, thus forgive me if you consider it as such, please.
>         Bye,
>         Milan
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