michael@michael-E-6500D:~$ banshee --debug
** Running Mono with --debug   **
[1 Debug 04:10:48.225] Bus.Session.RequestName 
('org.bansheeproject.Banshee') replied with PrimaryOwner
[1 Info  04:10:48.298] Running Banshee 2.4.0: [Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 
(linux-gnu, i686) @ 2012-04-21 02:12:32 UTC]
[1 Debug 04:10:48.363] Initializing GTK
[1 Debug 04:10:50.271] Post-Initializing GTK
[1 Debug 04:10:50.327] Configuration client extension loaded 
[1 Debug 04:10:50.331] Using default gconf-base-key
[1 Debug 04:10:50.483] Core service started (DBusServiceManager, 0.001952)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.487] Registering remote object 
(Banshee.ServiceStack.DBusCommandService) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee
[1 Debug 04:10:50.497] Core service started (DBusCommandService, 0.013199)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.537] Opened SQLite (version 3.7.9) connection to 
[1 Debug 04:10:50.537] Core service started (DbConnection, 0.039793)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.546] Database version 45 is up to date
[1 Debug 04:10:50.593] Core service started (PreferenceService, 0.027422)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.602] Core service started (Network, 0.009419)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.603] Registering remote object 
(Banshee.Sources.SourceManager) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee
[1 Debug 04:10:50.604] Core service started (SourceManager, 0.001042)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.610] Core service started (MediaProfileManager, 0.000373)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.614] Registering remote object 
(Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineService) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee
[1 Debug 04:10:50.617] Core service started (PlayerEngine, 0.006348)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.711] Registering remote object 
(Banshee.PlaybackController.PlaybackControllerService) on 
[1 Debug 04:10:50.712] Core service started (PlaybackController, 0.004262)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.720] Starting - Startup Job
[1 Debug 04:10:50.723] Core service started (JobScheduler, 0.008935)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.743] IO provider extension loaded 
[1 Debug 04:10:50.844] Loaded HardwareManager backend: Banshee.Hardware.Gio
[1 Debug 04:10:50.846] Core service started (HardwareManager, 0.12268)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.850] Bus.Session.RequestName 
('org.bansheeproject.CollectionIndexer') replied with PrimaryOwner
[1 Debug 04:10:50.851] Registering remote object 
(Banshee.Collection.Indexer.CollectionIndexerService) on 
[1 Debug 04:10:50.853] Core service started (CollectionIndexerService, 
[1 Debug 04:10:50.857] Core service started (SaveTrackMetadataService, 
[1 Debug 04:10:50.873] Adding icon theme search path: 
[1 Debug 04:10:50.875] Core service started (GtkElementsService, 0.017104)
[1 Debug 04:10:50.893] Core service started (InterfaceActionService, 
[1 Debug 04:10:51.097] Extension actions loaded: MetadataFixActions
[1 Debug 04:10:51.097] Registering remote object 
/org/bansheeproject/Banshee/GlobalUIActions (Banshee.Gui.GlobalActions) 
on org.bansheeproject.Banshee
[1 Debug 04:10:51.105] Album artwork path set to 
[1 Debug 04:10:51.137] Core service started (ArtworkManager, 0.039202)
[1 Debug 04:10:51.137] Core service started (BookmarksService, 0.000194)
[1 Debug 04:10:51.557] Adding context page wikipedia
[1 Debug 04:10:51.590] Adding context page lastfm-recommendations
[1 Debug 04:10:51.995] Constructed Nereid interface: 0.798649
[1 Debug 04:10:52.130] Creating new surface cache for 90px images, 
capped at 0.93 MiB (30 items)
[1 Debug 04:10:52.185] Registering remote object 
/org/bansheeproject/Banshee/ClientWindow (Nereid.PlayerInterface) on 
[1 Debug 04:10:52.185] Core service started (NereidPlayerInterface, 
[1 Info  04:10:52.187] Netbook extension initialized with hidden panel
[1 Debug 04:10:52.190] Extension service started (MeeGoService, 0.003943)
[1 Debug 04:10:52.225] Audioscrobbler state: connected
[1 Debug 04:10:52.228] Extension service started (AudioscrobblerService, 
[1 Debug 04:10:52.337] Extension service started (GStreamerCoreService, 
[1 Debug 04:10:52.359] Extension service started (MprisService, 0.022608)
[1 Debug 04:10:52.410] Extension service started (SoundMenuService, 
[1 Debug 04:10:52.469] Extension service started (EmusicService, 0.059288)
[1 Debug 04:10:52.471] Extension service started (DapService, 0.001542)
[1 Debug 04:10:52.474] Extension service started 
(AmazonMp3DownloaderService, 0.00294)
[1 Debug 04:10:52.482] Extension service started (BpmService, 0.007873)
[1 Debug 04:10:52.484] Extension service started (DaapService, 0.001973)
[1 Debug 04:10:52.488] Extension service started (CoverArtService, 0.003699)
[1 Debug 04:10:52.491] Extension service started (PodcastService, 0.002765)
[1 Debug 04:10:52.513] Using GNOME 2.22 API for Multimedia Keys
[1 Debug 04:10:52.513] Extension service started (MultimediaKeysService, 
[1 Debug 04:10:52.574] Extension service started (AudioCdService, 0.060861)
[1 Debug 04:10:52.576] Extension service started (DvdService, 0.00203)
[1 Info  04:10:52.582] Updating web proxy from GConf
[1 Debug 04:10:52.590] Direct connection, no proxy in use
[1 Debug 04:10:52.608] Extension service started (GnomeService, 0.031808)
[1 Info  04:10:52.609] All services are started 2.220783
[1 Debug 04:10:53.091] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context
[1 Debug 04:10:53.256] Extension source loaded: Audiobooks
[1 Debug 04:10:53.261] Extension source loaded: Now Playing
[1 Debug 04:10:53.297] Extension source loaded: Last.fm
[1 Debug 04:10:53.317] Extension source loaded: Radio
[1 Debug 04:10:53.483] Registering remote object 
(Banshee.PlayQueue.PlayQueueSource) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee
[1 Debug 04:10:53.483] Extension source loaded: Play Queue
[1 Debug 04:10:53.525] Extension source loaded: Internet Archive
[1 Info  04:10:53.532] AmazonMP3 store redirect URL: 
[1 Debug 04:10:53.538] Extension source loaded: Amazon MP3 Store
[1 Debug 04:10:53.580] Extension source loaded: File System Queue
[1 Debug 04:10:53.590] Extension source loaded: Miro Guide
[1 Debug 04:10:53.597] Starting GTK main loop
[1 Debug 04:10:54.043] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context
[1 Debug 04:10:54.143] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context
[1 Info  04:10:54.436] nereid Client Started
[1 Debug 04:10:54.442] Delayed Initializating 
[1 Debug 04:10:54.598] (libbanshee:player) Audiosink has volume: YES
[1 Debug 04:10:54.654] (libbanshee:player) Using system 
(gst-plugins-good) equalizer element
[1 Debug 04:10:54.787] Player state change: NotReady -> Ready
[1 Debug 04:10:54.794] Loaded equalizer presets: 0.000274
[1 Debug 04:10:54.804] Selected equalizer: Rock
[1 Debug 04:10:54.811] Player state change: Ready -> Idle
[1 Debug 04:10:54.822] (libbanshee:player) Disabled ReplayGain
[1 Info  04:10:54.824] GStreamer version, gapless: True, 
replaygain: False
[1 Debug 04:10:54.827] Delayed Initializating Banshee.Dap.DapService
[1 Debug 04:10:54.853] Dap support extension loaded: Banshee.Dap.MassStorage
[1 Debug 04:10:54.855] Dap support extension loaded: Banshee.Dap.AppleDevice
[1 Debug 04:10:54.857] Dap support extension loaded: Banshee.Dap.Mtp
[1 Debug 04:10:54.863] Delayed Initializating Banshee.Daap.DaapService
[1 Debug 04:10:54.864] Delayed Initializating 
[7 Info  04:10:54.981] AppleDeviceSource is ignoring unmounted volume 
200 GB Filesystem
[10 Debug 04:10:55.075] Refreshing any podcasts that haven't been 
updated in over an hour
[7 Warn  04:10:55.106] Caught an exception - 
System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null. (in `mscorlib')
   at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s, NumberStyles style, 
IFormatProvider provider) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
   at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s, NumberStyles style) [0x00000] 
in <filename unknown>:0
   at Banshee.Hardware.Gio.UsbDevice.GetVendorId (IUsbDevice device) 
[0x00007] in 

   at Banshee.Hardware.Gio.UsbDevice.get_VendorId () [0x00000] in 

   at Banshee.Dap.MassStorage.DeviceMapper.Map 
(Banshee.Dap.MassStorage.MassStorageSource source) [0x00028] in 

   at Banshee.Dap.MassStorage.MassStorageSource.DeviceInitialize 
(IDevice device) [0x0004d] in 

   at Banshee.Dap.DapService.FindDeviceSource (IDevice device) [0x00025] 

[1 Debug 04:10:56.075] Finished - Startup Job
[1 Debug 04:10:56.080] Starting - Downloading Cover Art
[13 Debug 04:10:56.084] Finished - Downloading Cover Art
[14 Debug 04:10:56.119] DAAP Proxy listening for connections on port 8089
[1 Debug 04:13:57.790] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context
[1 Debug 04:13:57.797] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context
[1 Debug 04:13:59.528] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to 
[16 Debug 04:14:00.313] Parsed 16 URIs out of  - Radio Paradise (on 
Radio Paradise) <00:00:00> [<unknown>]
[16 Debug 04:14:00.398] Playing Radio Stream - 
[16 Debug 04:14:00.401] Player state change: Idle -> Loading
[1 Debug 04:14:00.481] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to 
[1 Debug 04:14:00.481] Player state change: Loading -> Idle
[1 Error 04:14:00.486] GStreamer resource error: NotFound
[1 Debug 04:14:00.742] Playing Radio Stream - 
[1 Debug 04:14:00.742] Player state change: Idle -> Loading
[1 Debug 04:14:00.751] (libbanshee:player) Audiosink has volume: YES
[1 Debug 04:14:00.840] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to 
[1 Debug 04:14:00.840] Player state change: Loading -> Idle
[1 Error 04:14:00.844] GStreamer resource error: NotFound
[1 Debug 04:14:01.097] Playing Radio Stream - 
[1 Debug 04:14:01.097] Player state change: Idle -> Loading
[1 Debug 04:14:01.105] (libbanshee:player) Audiosink has volume: YES
[1 Debug 04:14:01.195] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to 
[1 Debug 04:14:01.195] Player state change: Loading -> Idle
[1 Error 04:14:01.199] GStreamer resource error: NotFound
[1 Debug 04:14:01.451] Playing Radio Stream - 
[1 Debug 04:14:01.452] Player state change: Idle -> Loading
[1 Debug 04:14:01.463] (libbanshee:player) Audiosink has volume: YES
[1 Debug 04:14:01.551] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to 
[1 Debug 04:14:01.551] Player state change: Loading -> Idle
[1 Error 04:14:01.555] GStreamer resource error: NotFound
[1 Debug 04:14:01.808] Playing Radio Stream - 
[1 Debug 04:14:01.809] Player state change: Idle -> Loading
[1 Debug 04:14:01.820] (libbanshee:player) Audiosink has volume: YES
[1 Debug 04:14:01.910] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to 
[1 Debug 04:14:01.910] Player state change: Loading -> Idle
[1 Error 04:14:01.915] GStreamer resource error: NotFound
[1 Debug 04:14:01.915] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to 


You received this bug notification because you are a member of Desktop
Packages, which is subscribed to banshee in Ubuntu.

  Amazon store does not open, no streaming internet radio

Status in “banshee” package in Ubuntu:

Bug description:
  1-Description:        Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
      Release:  12.04
      Installed: 2.4.0-2ubuntu1
      Candidate: 2.4.0-2ubuntu1
      Version table:
       *** 2.4.0-2ubuntu1 0
          500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/universe i386 
          100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  3-Streaming internet radio
      non responsive
  4-Amazon music store
      Error message:
       Unable to load page

       Problem occurred while loading the URL

       Cannot resolve proxy hostname ()

  ProblemType: Bug
  DistroRelease: Ubuntu 12.04
  Package: banshee 2.4.0-2ubuntu1
  ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 3.2.0-24.39-generic 3.2.16
  Uname: Linux 3.2.0-24-generic i686
  ApportVersion: 2.0.1-0ubuntu7
  Architecture: i386
  Date: Mon May 28 11:54:31 2012
  InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" - Release i386 (20111012)
   PATH=(custom, no user)
  SourcePackage: banshee
  UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)

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