
I'm having trouble building FF on my machine and am wondering if someone can 
help me. I debugged with ted from #build on the Mozilla IRC server a bit, and 
he suggested I post here.

Basically, I followed the guide here 
 and tried running a build.

I get an autoconf error (Undefined macros) that you can see here 
https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8913119 .

As to debugging, when I run autoconf213 from the command line manually, I don't 
get that error. I.e. I can run `/bin/sh /usr/local/bin/autoconf213 
/Users/nchelluri-user/dev/mozilla-unified/old-configure.in` and I get good 
output. I also tried printing out my environment inside of the old.configure 
script and making my environment at the command line identical (or close, I am 
off by some OLDPWD, SHLVL, and perhaps similar vars) and running that command 
line still works, i.e. `MACH=1 MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.7 
MAKE=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make MAKEFLAGS=s 
OLD_CONFIGURE=/Users/nchelluri-user/dev/mozilla-unified/old-configure /bin/sh 
/usr/local/bin/autoconf213 --localdir=/Users/nchelluri-user/dev/mozilla-unified 
/Users/nchelluri-user/dev/mozilla-unified/old-configure.in` works.

Can someone help me figure out why this error is occurring when running `./mach 
build` or `make`?

Thank you for your help!

- Narsa
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