On Fri, 7 Aug 2009, Hans Hagen wrote:

i get the feeling we're moving towards latex3 (brr), before this happens drop the whole
thing and i don't like \getvariable in this context anyway

there was a presentation about this ltx3 low level syntax and i definitely don't want to have something like that; it's more that in context we have this system of [optional]{whatever} that we might want to support

me neither, the latex3 system is too complicated and one has to remember what n, N, x ... means etc.

indeed, and also kind of redundant as the name should denote the usage, i.e. imagine that in e.g. lua we did myfunction_takes_num_and_num

i would not be surprised if it's also quite slow (esp when used in core code) and core code is not used by users anyway

there are a few interesting things like namespaces for module/macros but that's not worth the effort they take

indeed, but keep in mind that in context we seldom have other interfaces that [] and {}, no optoinal * etc

One good thing with LaTeX 3 syntax is that something like

\DeclareDocumentCommand\foo { o o m } will be (from what I understand) equivalent to



When I started using context, I was surprised that context did not have anything for optional arguments. We could have something like


to be equal to




to be equal to


and similar things for \definedoublearugment, \definetripleargument, etc. I am not convinced that this is a good thing, but using something like this in the core may result in a 10% reduction in the code size and might kill a few dodos :)

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