On 28-3-2012 00:15, Sietse Brouwer wrote:
Hi all,

(1) In MkIV, \WORD{some text} and \WORDS{some text} both turn the
entire text to uppercase ("SOME TEXT"). By analogy with \Word and
\Words, I would expect \WORD to only uppercase the first word ("SOME

\WORD and \WORDS always have been synonyms (if needed we can have \FIRSTWORD

(2) \Cap produces the amsmath \Cap even in text mode. That's the
double intersection symbol.
Link to picture:
According to the manual, "\Cap changes the first character of a word
into a capital".
\Caps already changes a string to small capitals, with the first
letter of every word uppercase; so, I would expect \Cap to change a
string to small capitals with the first letter of the string
uppercase. (I think the manual migh be saying this; it's not quite

The cap you want is something \Word{\smallcaps ...}. The old mkii cap code is mostly a solution for fonts lacking small capitals.

(3) \CAP{some \\{text}} does nothing; the double backslash only
produces a newline.
According to the manual, \CAP changes letters that are preceded by \\
into capital letters.
The documentation comments in typo-cap.mkiv also mention the \CAP{ ...
.... \\{...} ...} syntax, but the comments don't say what it should do.

Hm. Do we need that kind of stuff? If not (no longer) than we need to fix the (fonts) manual.

They're not terribly important commands, to be sure, but they might
also be easy fixes. I don't need them for myself; I simply picked a
random command + its relatives to improve on the Wiki.

Best fix the wiki. Especially with regards to fonts some of the more obscure things have become obsolete due to the fact that opentype fonts are more complete. For instance the concept of small caps and old style font as a separate entity has gone.

Thanks for noticing,


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