On 04/04/20 02:42, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

when you use extreme tables without a float environment but repeat the header the table always starts on a new page.

%%%% begin example



         \startxrow \startxcell Table head \stopxcell \stopxrow
        \dorecurse{100}{\startxrow \startxcell Table body \stopxcell \stopxrow}

%%%% end example

I use


\startxtable [split=repeat,header=repeat,footer=repeat]

    \startbuffer [header]

        \getbuffer [header]

        \getbuffer [header]





without a float environment, and I do NOT get a spurious page break, so I do not understand what is happening in your sample above. Is it the \break (as you suggest)?

In your example above, why not simply use a float environment:

\startplacetable [location=force,number=no]

Supplementary question. How might I produce/impose a page break at a certain point in a long table? Say that I may want to provoke a break before a certain \startxrow...\stopxrow


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