Hey Guys,

Running into a runtime issue with GtkMozEmbed. When I call gtk_moz_embed_get_nsIWebBrowser, I'm getting a segfault with a stack trace that's pointing to NULL.

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
#1  0x0807b91f in mozilla_purge_history (embed=0x80d5810 [GtkMozEmbed],
    full_purge=1) at mozilla.c:292
#2 0x08066e9d in moz_embed_uri_open (moz_embed=0x80d5810 [GtkMozEmbed], uri=
    0x87522d0 "http://localhost/main_menu.php";) at moz_embed.c:336

290      if (embed != NULL && GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED (embed)) {
291        gtk_moz_embed_get_nsIWebBrowser (GTK_MOZ_EMBED(embed),
292 &browser);
293                                        //getter_AddRefs(browser));
294      }

I've tried with getter_AddRefs based on browser being declared as
nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> browser;

And above with browser declared as
nsIWebBrowser *browser;

Behaves the same way in both instances. This would seem to be a runtime issue. I'm using XPCOM_GLUE and attempted to follow the standalone glue model.

Does anyone have any tips. I can't see what could be wrong. I've verified that the 'embed' parameter is valid and is a GtkMozEmbed object. I can follow the stack through some of the marshalling code with GDB.

If I step into the call to gtk_moz_emed_get_nsIWebBrowser, I can see it going into GType gtk_moz_embed_get_type(void). The static GType varaible in there is not 0, so it steps down to the return part of the function. Stepping on the return call takes me to GTypeInstance* g_type_check_instance_cast (GTypeInstance *type_instance, GType iface_type).
In there I can see that type_instance is GtkMozEmbed

(gdb) print type_instance
$1 = 0x80d5810 [GtkMozEmbed]

In the gtype.c code it performs a few checks and then if check variable is TRUE, it returns type_instance. This the point where it fails and I get a segfault in 0x0000000

This to me points to some sort of runtime late binding issue.

Glen Gray<sla...@slaine.org>

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