Dominik wrote:

> To call non-scriptable methods from java you can use JNI and implement the 
calls in C++ or directly call the C++ vtable as Eclipse SWT does.
> I recommend you not to use JavaXPCOM at all, as it is only available until 
Firefox 3.6.
> To see how to implement an XPCOM interface you may look at the source code 
and usage of org.eclilpse.swt.internal.mozilla.XPCOMObject.

Thanks for your answer. The SWT-XPCOM bridge is unfortunately incomplete, 
i.e. it only contains those few XPCOM interfaces that are needed for the 
SWT.Browser widget.

Also, those interfaces are platform dependent, with 32/64 Bit differences. 
It would be quite some effort to do this from scratch, instead of using 

That JavaXPCOM is fading away is a real bummer, but maybe we could bring it 
back to life -- iff it would be possible to implement XPCOM components 
including those "native-only" methods in Java.

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