On 08/14/17 17:40, Ryan Kelly wrote:
On 15 August 2017 at 10:20, Sean McArthur <smcart...@mozilla.com <mailto:smcart...@mozilla.com>> wrote:

    *tl;dr *- Let's upgrade all our stuff to npm5, and remove node4
    support, so we can live in the bright new future!

Thanks for kicking off this discussion, Sean! John and Jon, I'm particularly interested to know whether either of these changes would be scary from an ops/deployment perspective.
I'm +1 on moving to npm5. The travis and circle-ci instructions would need to to be changed to install npm@5.

Other things:
- there's some leftover CXX=g++-4.8 stuff that I think can be removed now (it was for older linux distros) - I thought the `npm shrinkwrap` loop was known and had been fixed in some repos (but maybe I misremember) - I do think there are some places/scripts that reach into `./node_modules/foo/node_modules/bin/bar.js`, but it just needs a grep-audit to discover them/any. - (I'll mildly note that the yarn spin about npm isn't accurate, but I don't really care: Subresource integrity checks are the true way). - By the way, we're also probably due to use node8, but let's do the cleanup for node6/npm5 now.




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