We had a Mobile Tech Leads Meeting earlier today (NA/AU timezones).  Due to
PTO, it was a smaller group than usual.

A very brief and opinionated summary of our discussion (from this doc

   1. *How do we manage threading* between consumers (primarily Android
   invoking Rust from Java/Kotlin, but also iOS invoking Rust from Swift) and
   Rust libraries?
   - Discussion focused on JVM thread pools and Kotlin coroutines.
      - Strong desire to not expose concurrency in the API surface
      - Initial proposal, subject to much further discussion:
*Rust code should be synchronous *
         - *Rust code should expect to be invoked from multiple threads*
         - *Rust code should expect to be serialized (via Java
         `synchronize` keyword or equivalent)*
         2. There was some discussion of dependency injection for logging
   and telemetry.
      - markh will be leading that discussion for telemetry.

There's more in the notes but that's the gist.

Your interlocutor,
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