Hi folks,

On Friday, September 7, representatives from the android-components (a-c)
and product integrity teams met to discuss cross-product Android testing
scenarios and strategies.  You can read the mostly complete detailed notes
As always this is my opinionated summary.

The discussion revolved around a few key points:


   The a-c work spans many “separable concerns”, some of which require
   cross-product consistency.  Examples include: Firefox Accounts; Sync 1.5;
   GeckoView; search.

   There’s an identified weakness testing these “separable concerns” at the
   “application shipping to user level”.  The a-c team has a strong unit
   testing regime but would like PI team support to build integration tests
   for cross-product functionality.

Two high-level areas were identified: Accounts + Sync 1.5 (driven by
Lockbox for Android) and GeckoView (driven by next-generation mobile
browsers).  After some discussion, it was agreed that the immediate concern
is to ensure that the new Accounts + Sync 1.5 components required by
Lockbox for Android are integration tested.  A longer term concern is to
keep the GeckoView version in the a-c ecosystem “evergreen” by
automatically testing and updating the GeckoView dependency.  Android
component consumers might also want to keep their a-c dependencies
“evergreen” in a similar fashion. Since Focus currently drives the a-c team
to update GeckoView, there’s no immediate need to automate this process.

The immediate next steps are:


   For Dave Hunt to disseminate a document expanding upon the scope of the
   cross-product (Android) ecosystem, enumerating areas where cross-product
   testing is desired, and outlining how the PI team and engineering teams
   intend to address these areas;

   For Nick Alexander to draft a plan for cross-product testing of the new
   Sync 1.5 logins component that Lockbox for Android will be consuming.

A follow-up meeting has been scheduled in two weeks.

Many thanks to Stuart Philp, Dave Hunt, No-jun Park, and the rest of the PI
team for their effort identifying and addressing testing weakpoints.
Everybody, please correct errors introduced by your interlocutor.


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