
> I think it would be useful, to change the oxstdurl to an varchar-type and 
> impose this column with an index?

It's not only "useful" - it's absolutely essential if you have a big shop with 
much traffic!
Also you should take care that searching for seo urls is done only if the std 
url CAN HAVE any seo url. For example if the std url looks like: 
index.php?force_sid= .... OR index.php?stoken=.... OR index.php?.... cl=search  
and so on - there is NO seo url and searching for it is absolutely needless and 
a waste of ressources.

On one of our bigger projects we reduced the total number of sql queries by 
nearly 20%!

Beste Grüße aus Dortmund! 
Andreas Ziethen | Geschäftsführung 


anzido GmbH 
Kirchhörder Str. 12 
44229 Dortmund 
Tel.: 0231 - 60 71 079 
Fax.: 0231 - 60 71 081 
Mobil:0176 - 8325 1488 
Email: i...@anzido.com 
Web: http://www.anzido.com ( http://www.anzido.com/ ) 

USt-ID: DE257982972 
Geschäftsführung: Andreas Ziethen 
Amtsgericht Dortmund HRB 20883
-----Ursprüngliche Daten-----
Datum: 26.04.2011 15:30:11
Von: Tobias Merkl <me...@shoptimax.de>
An: dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org <dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org>
Betreff: [oxid-dev-general] oxseo fullscan
Vorgang: T-6VJH77ICB7-35

> Hey community,
> does anybody have an idea, why the oxseo-table doesnŽt have an index?
> I think it would be useful, to change the oxstdurl to an varchar-type and 
> impose this column with an index?   
> Kindest regards
> Tobias
> *************************************
> shoptimax GmbH
> Guntherstraße 45a
> 90461 Nürnberg
> Tel    (09 11) 2 55 66 - 25
> Fax    (09 11) 2 55 66 - 29
> eMail  me...@shoptimax.de
> Web    www.shoptimax.de
> *************************************
> Geschäftsführung: Friedrich Schreieck
> Ust.-IdNr.: DE 814340642
> Amtsgericht Nürnberg HRB 21703
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