Hi Alex,

I got an similar problem and couldn't find an solution, too. So I created new baskets instead of reusing the existing one (like you do with "clone").

But beware that oxNew() will return everytime the same instance, if you pass only the class-name to the function. So you have to add an weird second parameters, which will be passed to the constructor of your new class. But that's ok, because oxBasket will ignore it.

$oBasket = oxNew( 'oxbasket', null );

Best regards,

Am 25.09.2014 um 18:08 schrieb Alex Schwarz:

I am working on a module to split one OXORDER into many, based on the vendors. 
For now I clone the actual order object, set my order articles I want for this 
Order, call recalculate functions and save.

Everything is working fine but the delivery costs. In the last order I always 
have the delivery costs of the previous one. So it seems on the last order I 
have the delivery costs of the original order (all delivery costs). I think 
there is a cache or something. Or it reload from the session basket? Working 
the whole day on it, can’t figure it out.

I already call the reload methos (reloadDelivery true, reloadDiscount true and 

Anyone got an idea?

Alex Schwarz / active value
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