Hi Nicolas,

It seems that was the problem. in the js code in tpl the container
reference should point to the ajax controller in my case it was
article_facility_ajax. I thought it has to point to the main controller
article_extend but I was wrong.

Now it works. Thanks alot.

*Mit freundlichen Grüßen | **Warm Regards**,*

Mirza Ahmad
M +4917645387460 | Skype: ahtasham82

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad <ahtasha...@gmail.com>

> Doing....
> will get back to you...
> *Mit freundlichen Grüßen | **Warm Regards**,*
> Mirza Ahmad
> M +4917645387460 | Skype: ahtasham82
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Nicolas Hodin <nho...@noxnet.fr> wrote:
>> Mirza,
>> There is no article_bundle controller, so I think it's another entity.
>> The aoc parameter is used in the render function, when the popup is opened.
>> I was talking about the JS initAoc function which initializes the
>> containers, it is located in the template (article_facility.tpl). Did you
>> just give a try to my suggestion?
>> Best regards,
>> Nicolas Hodin
>> www.fasteroxid.com
>> ᐧ
>> 2015-09-03 10:25 GMT+02:00 Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad <ahtasha...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Nicolas,
>>> As far as I understood it, it call the actual controller like the
>>> article_extent or article_bundle and there in it there is a switch for
>>> popup tpl or normal tpl thats why the aoc.
>>> So technically the loading of categories or any relation in the left
>>> container for the popup should take place in the controller.
>>> *Mit freundlichen Grüßen | **Warm Regards**,*
>>> Mirza Ahmad
>>> M +4917645387460 | Skype: ahtasham82
>>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Nicolas Hodin <nho...@noxnet.fr> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mirza,
>>>> I looked at your code and also to the source code of Oxid back office
>>>> and it seems that you're doing well, maybe there is just a little thing
>>>> that you forgot. Did you change the code of the popups/article_facility.tpl
>>>> file?
>>>> I saw "container=article_extend" in the js scripts of
>>>> article_extend.tpl which are "container=article_bundle" in
>>>> article_bundle.tpl, maybe you have to change this part with
>>>> "container=article_facility"?
>>>> I hope it will help...
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Nicolas Hodin
>>>> www.fasteroxid.com
>>>> ᐧ
>>>> 2015-09-03 9:34 GMT+02:00 Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad <ahtasha...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>>> So no one knows the answer? No one know how the left column is loaded
>>>>> in the popup?
>>>>> *Mit freundlichen Grüßen | **Warm Regards**,*
>>>>> Mirza Ahmad
>>>>> M +4917645387460 | Skype: ahtasham82
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 11:17 AM, Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad <
>>>>> ahtasha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Here the code from artile_extent.tpl for the buttons.
>>>>>> <input [{ $readonly }] type="button" value="[{ oxmultilang 
>>>>>> ident="GENERAL_ASSIGNCATEGORIES" }]" class="edittext" 
>>>>>> onclick="JavaScript:showDialog('&cl=article_extend&aoc=1&oxid=[{ $oxid 
>>>>>> }]');">
>>>>>> &nbsp;|&nbsp;
>>>>>> <input [{ $readonly }] type="button" value="[{ oxmultilang 
>>>>>> ident="GENERAL_ASSIGNFACILITIES" }]" class="edittext" 
>>>>>> onclick="JavaScript:showDialog('&cl=article_extend&aoc=3&oxid=[{ $oxid 
>>>>>> }]');">
>>>>>> I only changedd the aoc value for my new button and added an extra
>>>>>> check for that in article_extend.php
>>>>>> } elseif ($iAoc == 3) {
>>>>>>     $oArticleBundleAjax = oxNew('article_facility_ajax');
>>>>>>     $this->_aViewData['oxajax'] = $oArticleBundleAjax->getColumns();
>>>>>>     return "popups/article_facility.tpl";
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Thanks for your quick reply.
>>>>>> *Mit freundlichen Grüßen | **Warm Regards**,*
>>>>>> Mirza Ahmad
>>>>>> M +4917645387460 | Skype: ahtasham82
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 11:10 AM, Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad <
>>>>>> ahtasha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>>>>> Here is my _getQuery() method in article_facility_ajax
>>>>>>>     /**
>>>>>>>      * Returns SQL query for data to fetc
>>>>>>>      *
>>>>>>>      * @return string
>>>>>>>      */
>>>>>>>     protected function _getQuery()
>>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>>         $sFacilitiesTable = $this->_getViewName('facilities');
>>>>>>>         $sO2CView = $this->_getViewName('object2facility');
>>>>>>>         $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
>>>>>>>         $sOxid =
>>>>>>> oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('oxid');
>>>>>>>         $sSynchOxid =
>>>>>>> oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('synchoxid');
>>>>>>>         if ($sOxid) {
>>>>>>>             $sQAdd = " from $sO2CView left join $sFacilitiesTable on
>>>>>>> $sFacilitiesTable.oxid=$sO2CView.facilityid ";
>>>>>>>             $sQAdd .= " where $sO2CView.oxobjectid = " .
>>>>>>> $oDb->quote($sOxid)
>>>>>>>                       . " and $sFacilitiesTable.oxid is not null ";
>>>>>>>         } else {
>>>>>>>             $sQAdd = " from $sFacilitiesTable where
>>>>>>> $sFacilitiesTable.oxid not in ( ";
>>>>>>>             $sQAdd .= " select $sFacilitiesTable.oxid from $sO2CView
>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>                       . "left join $sFacilitiesTable on
>>>>>>> $sFacilitiesTable.oxid=$sO2CView.facilityid ";
>>>>>>>             $sQAdd .= " where $sO2CView.oxobjectid = " .
>>>>>>> $oDb->quote($sSynchOxid)
>>>>>>>                       . " and $sFacilitiesTable.oxid is not null )
>>>>>>> and $sFacilitiesTable.oxpriceto = '0'";
>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>         return $sQAdd;
>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>> I simply replaced the categories and object2categories with mine two
>>>>>>> new tables.
>>>>>>> What am I doing wrong that I cant see. Looking forward to your reply.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> *Mit freundlichen Grüßen | **Warm Regards**,*
>>>>>>> Mirza Ahmad
>>>>>>> M +4917645387460 | Skype: ahtasham82
>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 11:01 AM, Tim Aniol <an...@solutiondrive.de>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Mirza
>>>>>>>> what does the _getQuery() Method in your ajax class do? If you have
>>>>>>>> copied the article_extend_ajax class then it'll be select oxcategories.
>>>>>>>> BR
>>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>>> Viele Grüße,
>>>>>>>> Tim Aniol
>>>>>>>> Senior Software-Entwickler
>>>>>>>> Tel.: 0911 / 1809 45 - 30
>>>>>>>> an...@solutiondrive.de
>>>>>>>> PGP-Key: F2979268
>>>>>>>> <http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x1FFB423FF2979268>
>>>>>>>> solutionDrive GmbH
>>>>>>>> Innere Hallerstraße 8a, 90419 Nürnberg
>>>>>>>> Amtsgericht Nürnberg, HRB 28464
>>>>>>>> GF Andreas Illig
>>>>>>>> http://www.solutionDrive.de
>>>>>>>> Tel +49 911 1809 45-29, Fax +49 911 1809 45-31
>>>>>>>> i...@solutiondrive.de
>>>>>>>> Vernetzen Sie sich mit uns auf Xing
>>>>>>>> <https://www.xing.com/companies/solutiondrivegmbh> und Facebook
>>>>>>>> <https://www.facebook.com/solutiondrivegmbh> oder folgen Sie uns
>>>>>>>> auf Twitter <https://twitter.com/solutiondrive>!
>>>>>>>> Am 02.09.15 um 10:43 schrieb Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad:
>>>>>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>>>>>> I have an extra relation for articles. The new Table is named
>>>>>>>> facilities and the relation table is object2facilities. I want to 
>>>>>>>> assign
>>>>>>>> the these facilities to the articles just like the relation 
>>>>>>>> object2category.
>>>>>>>> oxobject2category and mein object2facility are exactly the same
>>>>>>>> just instead of catnid there is facilityid.
>>>>>>>> For the assigning purpose I copied the "assign categories" button
>>>>>>>> in the article_extend module. I adjusted/created the new popup and ajax
>>>>>>>> files for it too (simply copied the one which were used for assign
>>>>>>>> categories)
>>>>>>>> Now the problem is, that when I click on my new button, "assign
>>>>>>>> facilities", the popup shows up, but it loads the categories into the 
>>>>>>>> left
>>>>>>>> container of the popup. I need to load facilities from my new 
>>>>>>>> facilities
>>>>>>>> table. I cant figure it out where those are loaded. Can anybody help me
>>>>>>>> here where I need to load my facilities and pass it to the popup 
>>>>>>>> template??
>>>>>>>> PS: In my new ajax module (article_facility_ajax) I have adjusted
>>>>>>>> the Columns array and it looks like this.
>>>>>>>>     /**
>>>>>>>>      * Columns array
>>>>>>>>      *
>>>>>>>>      * @var array
>>>>>>>>      */
>>>>>>>>     protected $_aColumns = array('container1' => array( // field ,
>>>>>>>> table,         visible, multilanguage, ident
>>>>>>>>         array('title', 'facilities', 1, 1, 0),
>>>>>>>>         array('info', 'facilities', 1, 1, 0),
>>>>>>>>         array('oxid', 'facilities', 0, 0, 0),
>>>>>>>>         array('oxid', 'facilities', 0, 0, 1)
>>>>>>>>     ),
>>>>>>>>                                  'container2' => array(
>>>>>>>>                                      array('title', 'facilities',
>>>>>>>> 1, 1, 0),
>>>>>>>>                                      array('info', 'facilities', 1,
>>>>>>>> 1, 0),
>>>>>>>>                                      array('oxid', 'facilities', 0,
>>>>>>>> 0, 0),
>>>>>>>>                                      array('oxid',
>>>>>>>> 'object2facility', 0, 0, 1),
>>>>>>>>                                      array('oxtime',
>>>>>>>> 'object2facility', 0, 0, 1),
>>>>>>>>                                      array('oxid', 'facilities', 0,
>>>>>>>> 0, 1)
>>>>>>>>                                  ),
>>>>>>>>     );
>>>>>>>> Looking forward to your help.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> *Mit freundlichen Grüßen | **Warm Regards**,*
>>>>>>>> Mirza Ahmad
>>>>>>>> M +4917645387460 | Skype: ahtasham82
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