hey my goal is 

in my template i have one area and it has one component say menuComponent.

when i click on edit component a dialouge should appear, there i want to enter 
the menu header names in text fields one by one.(Example say the menu header 
names are menu1,menu2, menu3 )

for dropdown menu i want to have some more text fields to enter the submenu 
items names (Example sub-menu1-item1, sub-menu-item2 and so on..)  
1.I have a menu items say menu1,menu2,menu3.
2. under menu1 i have again sub-menu1-item1,sub-menu1-item2 and so on..as 
dropdown,and also this dropdown should appear when i mouseover on the menu1 and 
it should be disappear when i mouseout on menu1.
im new to Magnolia cms
help me in this

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