
I've been given an existing project to add some new features to but I'm stuck 
getting the existing project to run smoothly to begin with and I was hoping 
someone has seen this issue before and can give me some pointers...

After troubleshooting I narrowed the cause of the issues down to the use of 
template prototypes that, for some reason, don't work but instead I get an 
exception when loading any page using these templates:

[code]RenderException: No template script defined for the template definition 
info.magnolia.rendering.engine.RenderException: No template script defined for 
the template definition 

When checking the JCR all pages have their renderType set to 'site' and they 
have no templateScript set.
I then checked for the prototype node in the JCR as per the user guide 
(https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Template+prototype) and 
found it here:


This has one templateScript parameter which is set to 
/custom-templating-module/templates/pages/main.ftl (and for the rest it's got 
definitions for the different areas)

I checked all paths and this template does exist and looks ok to me.

Eventually, as a test, I ended up changing the category page template and set 
it's renderType to freemarker with templateScript to the same main.ftl file and 
that works fine up to the first @cms.area include as that too fails, but at 
least i know rendering via freemarker alone does work.

Does anybody have any ideas why the site module wouldn't work or how to 
troubleshoot this further?


Magnolia Community 5.4.5
(dependencies include magnolia-site and magnolia-site-app)
JRE 1.7
Tomcat 7

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