Thanks for the help so far, using the pc.getRemoteStreams()[0] in the 
setRemoteDescription success callback, solves all but 1 of my cases.

Peer 1: Caller  Peer 2: Callee
FF (no video)   FF (video) 
This works with Peer 1 seeing the video from Peer 2, and Peer 2 having no video 
(as Peer 1 is not broadcasting)

However, putting Peer 1 on Chrome then Peer 1 does not receive the video from 
Peer 2, i.e. pc.getRemoteStreams()[0].getVideoTracks().length is 0

Looking at the SDP sent in the createAnswer callabck from Peer 2, both 
scenarios have m=video 12345 RTP/SAVPF.

Any suggestions on how to investigate this further to determine where the video 
goes "missing"?

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