On 9/25/12 7:54 AM, Paul Rouget wrote:
let win = gBrowser.contentWindow;
let gIOService = 
let windowUtils = 
let uri = gIOService.newURI('data:text/css,@namespace 
url("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";);@namespace xul 
url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";);html xul|scrollbar 
{display:none}', null, null);
windowUtils.loadSheet(uri, windowUtils.AGENT_SHEET);

But it doesn't appear to work.

Any idea?

This should work for non-root scrollbars.

The problem with the root scrollbars is that they're outside the root element's primary frame. When you add a stylesheet, we post a restyle event on the root element. When this is processed we restyle that element and all its descendants. But as I said, the scrollbars are actually _siblings_ of the root element, so don't get restyled.

We could try to change this on the Gecko side, but it might be simpler (though making the operation slightly slower) for you to just force a root frame reconstruct. Either remove and reinsert the documentElement or set the relevant <browser> to display:none, flush, and then set it back to its normal display value....

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