On 9/26/2012 8:32 AM, Armen Zambrano G. wrote:
On 12-09-26 6:45 AM, Neil wrote:
Perhaps the file system permissions are incorrect and NT
AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE doesn't have permission to access
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe ?

You might be right.
How can I check this? I'm not very familiar with this concept.
You can go right click on the file, select the security tab and you should see what users have what permissions on the file. For a test, simply grant everyone full access to the file and try to run it.

It could be that one of the OPSI scripts either deleted or changed permissions for one of the users.

Mochitest itself doesn't log into anything, so this isn't from the harness. We have removed this method of killing tasks on windows in mozbase and this should get much more stable once we port mochitest to use the mozbase toolchain, tentatively slated for this coming quarter.

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