Following the recent discussion about PGO, I really wanted to understand what 
benefits PGO gives Firefox on Windows, if any--I was skeptical. Rafael (IIRC) 
posted some Talos numbers, but I didn't know how to interpret them. So I 
decided to try a few simple experiments to try to falsify the hypothesis that 
"PGO has user-perceivable benefits".

Experimental setup: Windows builds from on a Windows 7 Xeon. I 
took opt and pgo builds from the tbpl links.

Experiment 1: cold startup time

  I used a camera to measure time from pressing enter on a
  a command line until the Fx window was completely shown.

  opt: 3.025 seconds
  pgo: 1.841

  - A clear win for PGO. I'm told that there is a startup
    time optimization that orders omni.ja that only runs 
    in PGO builds. So it's not necessarily from the PGO
    itself, but at least it means the current PGO builds
    really are better.

Experiment 2: JS benchmarks

  I ran SunSpider and V8. I would have run Kraken too, but
  it takes longer to run and I already had significant
  results by then. I did 1-2 runs. Below I show the average,
  rounded off to not show noise digits.

                     opt          pgo
  SunSpider          250          200      (seconds)
  V8                8900         9400      ("score")

  - Another clear win for PGO.

(Side note: I've recorded startup times for myself, with my normal profile, of 
~30 seconds. I assumed that was just normal, so today I looked on Telemetry and 
saw that only 5-8% of startup times are that long. (I wish I knew what % of 
cold startups that is.) Today's results were with a clean profile, so it seems 
like my normal profile must be busting my startups (and others') badly. It 
would be really nice to make startup time independent of profile.)

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