On 11/08/12 12:46, richardson.balca...@gmail.com wrote:

I was just reading the effort of installing "open web apps" locally, I'm 
assuming the strategy shift that I'm talking about is that Mozilla is betting on Firefox 
as their application framework, that would make sense not to support Xulrunner anymore.

I would like to see how could one use the native stuff like platform specific stuff 
(Cocoa for example) on this "open web apps". Don't get me wrong I love Web 
technologies but an HTML TAB is never going to feel the same as the OS Native TAB.

I guess it depends specifically what platform specific stuff you're talking about, but we are betting on the web, and where the web doesn't give you enough then extending the web by defining standards and supports for more capabilities. See for example all the APIs that are being developed in the B2G project.

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