On 12/20/12 12:14 PM, Jeff Walden wrote:
 Setting it creates a shadowing property on window itself, using the exact 
value passed in.

   // Current Gecko
   alert(typeof window.screenX); // number
   window.screenX = "123";
   alert(typeof window.screenX); // string, not number

Er... no. If you do that, you get number for the second alert, because you did a qualified set. That's the whole complication with these properties: they behave differently for qualified and unqualified sets.

   // Proposed Gecko
   alert(typeof window.screenX); // number
   window.screenX = "123";
   alert(typeof window.screenX); // number (setter coerces string->number, or 
the setter silently did nothing)

This is compatible with IE9 (standards or quirks mode -- and not in IE9 compat 
mode, and it seems not in older IE modes; I don't have IE10 to test) and Opera 
behaviors.  IE9 puts the accessor on Window.prototype, and Opera puts it on 
window, but there's no visible difference in behavior for getting or setting.

But there's still a supposed compatibility bugaboo to changing, because sites 
might have relied on the old behavior (notwithstanding that browsers are all 
over the map here)

So specifically, for unqualified sets right now Gecko and WebKit reconfigure the property to a data property, as do older IE, but not newer IE or Opera, right?

And the proposal here is to align with new IE and Opera?

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